This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Clinical practice

Exploring the role of advanced clinical practitioners in the UK

The role of nurses with advanced practice skills was originally acknowledged in the US in the 1960s (Swaby et al, 2022). The recognition of the need for advanced practice development in the UK is...

The co-delivery of advanced clinical practice programmes: promoting equitable student experiences

The introduction of the ACP programme accreditation aims to maintain a level of consistency and quality assurance to uphold patient safety and clinical excellence (NHS England, 2021). Traditional ACP...

Insights on advanced nurse practitioner-led coronary CT angiogram referrals: medicolegal, competence and governance in Ireland

The evolution of advanced practice nursing in Ireland is a testament to progressive legislation and stakeholder collaboration (Government of Ireland, 1998; National Council for the Professional...

Malnutrition in frail older adults and the risk of refeeding syndrome: a clinical review

In those that are malnourished, the risk of refeeding syndrome (RFS) should be considered. RFS is ill-defined, but broadly recognised as a severe fluid and electrolyte shift when malnourished patients...

Interstitial lung disease: diagnosis and management principles

Practitioners across healthcare are all too aware that the classic respiratory symptoms of exertional dyspnoea and non-productive cough are in themselves non-specific. The multitude of ILDs, with...

Exploring the clinical reasoning of an advanced clinical practitioner through a respiratory case encountered in primary care

One method of clinical reasoning used in healthcare is the clinical reasoning cycle (CRC) (Levett-Jones et al, 2010). This is an 8-step process whereby clinicians collect cues and patient data,...

Safe prescribing of oral alendronic acid following hip fracture

The student prescriber in this case is a chartered physiotherapist and, as such, is governed by the code of conduct of the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) (2016). The Chartered Society of...

Advanced nursing practice assessment: a case study from paediatric neurodisability

The child, who will be rereferred to under the pseudonym ‘Suzie’, is a 13-year-old autistic girl who receives clinical supports from her local children's disability network team. She was referred to...

A review of nurse independent prescribers: experiences, barriers and facilitators in palliative care

The overall objective of this survey was to explore the experiences of NIPs working across both primary and secondary palliative care settings. The author sought to:.

Initiating end-of-life care

EOLC has undergone significant changes over the past century. Palliative care and EOLC first emerged in the 1960s, with the introduction of hospice care programmes, although palliative care was not...

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