This website is intended for healthcare professionals


The co-delivery of advanced clinical practice programmes: promoting equitable student experiences

The introduction of the ACP programme accreditation aims to maintain a level of consistency and quality assurance to uphold patient safety and clinical excellence (NHS England, 2021). Traditional ACP...

Alternative format doctorate: an exploration of the role of PhD by publication in developing research skills to advance practice

Research, including its creation, understanding, and dissemination, is identified as the fourth fundamental pillar of the advanced practitioner role in the UK. (Health Education England, 2017)....

A local evaluation of the non-surgical oncology advanced practice curriculum framework

This article aims to assess the relevance of the curriculum framework for APs in non-surgical oncology and examine its associated implementation issues in Northern England. The objectives are to:.

Advanced practitioners working with older people in primary care and community settings: a survey of roles and use of technology

The aim of this study was to understand current roles and practice of APs working with older people living with frailty in primary care and community settings in the UK. The objectives were to:.

A systemised literature review into the benefits of introducing the advanced clinical practitioner role to palliative care patients

The aim of this study was to collect data on the effectiveness of ACPs working in palliative care, identify themes in the literature through narrative synthesis, and provide recommendations for future...

Examining advanced clinical practice from the perspective of a trainee advanced clinical practitioner

The global expansion of advanced practice began in the 1980s, and increased rapidly in the UK in the 1990s due to the demands placed on the NHS (Mortimore et al, 2022). The NHS Long-Term Plan (2019)...

Paramedics in advanced practice: role, requirements and impact

Health Education England defines advanced clinical practice through four pillars: clinical; leadership and management; education; and research (Health Education England, 2017). Its multi-professional...

The advanced practice nurse role's development and identity: an international review

Role development is a complex, dynamic process that can be influenced by several factors. The role must be established by collaborating with organisations, government regulatory bodies and key...

The Advanced Clinical Practice Integrated Degree Apprenticeship end point assessment: history, challenges and implementation

The MSc is assessed through the successful achievement of 180 level 7 academic credits, 20 of which are for the assessment of the apprenticeship, which is conducted through the compulsory end point...

Advanced clinical practitioners and the research pillar

As discussed previously, advanced clinical practice was recognised in the NHS Long Term Plan (NHS England and NHS Improvement, 2019) as being central to transforming service delivery and meeting local...

Advance practice nursing: a Canadian perspective

Many registered nurses (RNs) in Canada pursue advanced education to become the experts, leaders and change agents needed in the Canadian healthcare system. Referred to as advanced practice nurses...

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