This website is intended for healthcare professionals


What is the lived experience of advanced nurse practitioners of managing risk and patient safety in acute settings? A phenomenological perspective

Phenomenology is an inductive, qualitative research method for investigating the lived experience of a phenomenon; it can be used to understand what something is like for an individual (Leedy and...

Should advanced practitioners consider critical realism as a distinctive epistemological position for social scientific enquiry?

The author's perspective is based on her general worldview, or Weltanschauung—the worldview of an individual. These are the underpinning beliefs and assumptions associated with the author's general...

Exploring the effectiveness of advanced practice physiotherapist roles in assessing patients with frailty in the emergency department

The aim of this study investigates the impact of a tAPP review of patients with frailty in the acute setting, as part of the physiotherapist role extension.

What are advanced clinical practitioners' expectations of the benefits of pursuing the role, and are these being realised?

This cross-sectional study uses a sequential, mixed-methods, exploratory design, in which themes identified during focus groups were used to construct a follow-up questionnaire. Using maximum...

A mixed-method review of the efficacy of a virtual fracture clinic: an 8-year follow up

This study aimed to explore the benefits, challenges and outcomes of a VFCs over a 8-year period. The objectives were to evaluate the:.

Experiences of learning disability nurses within community nursing teams, working in collaboration with primary care

This study aimed to detail and critically explore the lived experiences of LD nurses, and present a series of recommendations regarding how to improve the collaboration between primary care and LD...

Enhancing quality in same-day emergency care: a service improvement perspective

To satisfy the increased need for urgent and emergency care internationally, many health service providers are engaged in widespread reform of their care systems (Baier et al, 2019). In the UK, the...

How do advanced nurse practitioners enhance healthcare outcomes in frail older patients living in care homes?

This paper was designed to establish a robust understanding of the community ANPs' impact on care home residents' health, to drive future evidence-based practice service-delivery. It aimed to...

A survey exploring the development needs of advanced clinical practitioners

The survey received 36 completed responses. There were five incomplete responses with data for the development of clinical and management competencies, but not research or education competencies,...

The evolution of the journal club: using a peer-learning approach to increase research confidence

Nottingham University Hospitals (NUH) employs over 180 qualified and trainee ACPs. Within NUH, there had been feedback that although trainee ACPs had a clear training structure and programme, upon...

A review of nurse independent prescribers: experiences, barriers and facilitators in palliative care

The overall objective of this survey was to explore the experiences of NIPs working across both primary and secondary palliative care settings. The author sought to:.

Initiating end-of-life care

EOLC has undergone significant changes over the past century. Palliative care and EOLC first emerged in the 1960s, with the introduction of hospice care programmes, although palliative care was not...

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