This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Advanced practitioners

What is the lived experience of advanced nurse practitioners of managing risk and patient safety in acute settings? A phenomenological perspective

Phenomenology is an inductive, qualitative research method for investigating the lived experience of a phenomenon; it can be used to understand what something is like for an individual (Leedy and...

What are advanced clinical practitioners' expectations of the benefits of pursuing the role, and are these being realised?

This cross-sectional study uses a sequential, mixed-methods, exploratory design, in which themes identified during focus groups were used to construct a follow-up questionnaire. Using maximum...

Investigating the retention and attrition of emergency care advanced clinical practitioners in the UK

Arksey and O'Malley's (2005) scoping review framework was used in this study (Table 1), alongside the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis extension for Scoping Reviews...

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International Journal of Advancing Practice is the peer-reviewed resource for all professionals practising or studying at an advanced level.

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