Universal health coverage (UHC) is a concept that refers to the notion of guaranteeing everyone has access to essential health services—such as health promotion, disease prevention, treatment,...
The Centre for Advancing Practice team discussed the journey since the...
The survey received 36 completed responses. There were five incomplete responses with data for the development of clinical and management competencies, but not research or education competencies,...
Nottingham University Hospitals (NUH) employs over 180 qualified and trainee ACPs. Within NUH, there had been feedback that although trainee ACPs had a clear training structure and programme, upon...
The overall objective of this survey was to explore the experiences of NIPs working across both primary and secondary palliative care settings. The author sought to:.
EOLC has undergone significant changes over the past century. Palliative care and EOLC first emerged in the 1960s, with the introduction of hospice care programmes, although palliative care was not...
LC comprises of symptomatic COVID-19 (which, by definition, is from 4 to 12 weeks after acute infection) and post-COVID-19 syndrome (which occurs from 12 weeks or more after acute infection) (National...
The terms ‘management’ and ‘leadership’ continue to stir up debate in the academic fields of all professions. There is a copious amount of literature available to read, the majority of which is based...
The MSc is assessed through the successful achievement of 180 level 7 academic credits, 20 of which are for the assessment of the apprenticeship, which is conducted through the compulsory end point...
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As discussed previously, advanced clinical practice was recognised in the NHS Long Term Plan (NHS England and NHS Improvement, 2019) as being central to transforming service delivery and meeting local...
‘A paramedic who uses an expanded skill set and scope, which addresses the health care needs of people in their homes or community. They are integrated within interdisciplinary healthcare teams with...
In 2017, the ‘Transforming Roles’ (TR) programme was introduced in Scotland. The programme initially focused on advanced nurse practitioners (ANPs) and aimed to support role development. Its impact...
Advanced practice is associated with many healthcare professions, such as physiotherapy, nursing, pharmacy, paramedic science and occupational therapy amongst others.
Welcome to the inaugural issue of the International Journal for Advancing Practice. We are so pleased to have this journal in place to enable the advanced practice community to share and celebrate...
Advocating for advanced practice is not always an easy task. There are often numerous issues associated with agreed roles and functions undertaken by advanced practitioners intra and inter country,...
Many registered nurses (RNs) in Canada pursue advanced education to become the experts, leaders and change agents needed in the Canadian healthcare system. Referred to as advanced practice nurses...
International Journal for Advancing Practice is the peer-reviewed resource for all professionals practising or studying at an advanced level.
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